The flap of a butterfly’s wings in America can cause a storm in Europe. This is how the butterfly effect concept can be briefly presented. There are many controversial opinions in scientists’ circles towards this concept but one thing is obvious for every scientist – all subjects of the environment are connected to each other. The importance of studying those connections is priceless. Therefore, environmental science was established as a discipline which studies the environment on the whole and its separate parts. In this article, you will find several ideas and useful recommendations on how to deal with your environment project.
What Are Project Details You Should Think Over?
Typically, students need to complete projects for gaining a specific academic degree. When you are going to work on research, you should provide your mentor with information on your project so that he or she can decide whether your project is relevant and if it needs funding. Some educational affiliations can budget your research or find a sponsor for it. Unfortunately, not all of them can afford this. Before starting the research, you should think over Everything About How to Write a Project Plan and give this information to your mentor:
- Brief overview of the work. You need to give information on what you would like to investigate and the main purpose.
- Core aims. Here you need to present your aims. It’s better to complete a list of them. That way, information will appear well-structured and clear. If you don’t separate aims clearly, your teacher may think that you didn’t think over your project properly.
- Benefits for your educational institution. You should explain how this work will be useful for your college or university. Why is this project profitable?
- Timeline. Now, you need to define the approximate time frameworks for the project. You need to specify the beginning, the end of it (obligatory), and also the beginning and the end of specific parts (optional).
- Methodology. Specify methods that you use to complete the environment project, such as making observations, presenting hypothetical explanations, suggesting reasonable predictions, or conducting experiments.
- Potential risks. In this part, you should think over potential threats and their consequences for your project. This can be some changes that you can’t control, such as weather or anything of this nature.
- Funding. If you need funding for your project, you should count the approximate amount of money that you can spend. Also, you should make an overview of expenditure items.
- Your motive. Disclose what your motives for working on this environment project are. Try to avoid general phrases like “doing something useful” or “to make this world better.”
- Members of the project. If you need to engage someone with the research, you should mention whom you are going to involve and what roles these people will play for your research.
Environmental Project Ideas
1. Create a water harvesting model. Do you know something about rainwater harvesting? You have the ability to find more about this type of harvesting by creating an effective water model for a neighborhood.
2. Examine climate change. It’s impossible to study climate changes of the world thoroughly in one project. So, you should focus on your area. Observe climate changes during the year and their effect on flora, fauna, or people.
3. Make a plan to decrease expenses for electricity. Bills for electricity can be really high if you don’t make effort to save energy. Create a plan that will help you to reduce the amount of money by half that you pay for electricity.
4. Study the soil. The quality of soil is different in different regions. Inspect the soil in a specific region for chemical, physical, and biological characteristics. After analyzing all mentioned features, you can decide which type of water and what kinds of plants can fit this area.
5. Examine wind as a source of energy. There are alternative sources, such as wind and sun, which can substitute traditional sources of energy. You can examine how the wind works as a source of energy by making a wind turbine on your own.
6. Research the greenhouse effect at home. Make a model that will help you to study the greenhouse effect. There are many tutorials on how to make greenhouses at home on the web. Afterward, you should plant something and observe temperature changes for several months and make conclusions.
7. Investigate how pollution influences an ecosystem. Your task is to choose an ecosystem that you can easily examine – it should be somewhere near you. Take one or two microorganisms that you will examine thoroughly. You should observe this system for at least several months to see the result. Take into consideration that it is a long-term project.
8. Studying the air. You should examine the air quality in a specific area. Find out which level of pollution is expected in this area. Afterward, compare the expected and the factual level of air pollution. Also, you need to analyze which factors influence the result.
9. Create a solar cooker. There are many video, audio, and text guides on how to cope with this task. After creating the solar cooker, you should analyze and compare the chemical characteristics of food that was prepared by your cooker and by a common oven.
How to Receive More Environmental Project Ideas?
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