An Easy Way How to Nail Writing College Application Essays

What can be easier that writing about the one person you know everything about — yourself? Well, if you think this, you must have never written college application essays and never got rejected by an incredibly weird reason. Partially, it’s anxiety and hype that is created around application essays, and it’s partially the fact that you never know what the admission officer will like or dislike about your paper, but students lose their minds wondering about a way to write a perfect essay.


We want to make your life a little bit easier, so we will present you with some general advice on application essays. And remember that there’s a way out of even the most desperate situation. For example, you can always hire a professional writer at an admission essay writing service to do the job.

Get Really Into It

You try to appear as the nicest and coolest person alive when you are around your crush, but you don’t put so much effort into it with your friends and relatives who know you too well to buy it. The same thing works with college admission essays: if you want to get to that college or university desperately, just like you want to ask your crush to go out with you, the result will be way more impressive than if you don’t. Anxiety and excitement you feel about your application can actually work for you, since you are able to double-check and triple-check everything you have written before you send it, unlike with your crush, where you typically have to improvise.

There’s no way you will write a great, catchy essay if you are not very enthusiastic about the college you are going to. So, maybe you need to change your college of choice or try a reliable admission essay writing service. Unlike college officials, we understand that not everyone is born to write great essays, and not so many people will ever need this skill after they finish college. Sometimes it’s really better to save your time and nerves and get professional help.

Be Candid

While trying to get to their dream colleges, many students make a very typical mistake: they try too hard to be liked, so they exaggerate their good character traits and underestimate the power of flaws. Though such desire is pretty understandable, the result is that admission officers get dozens of college application essays which state “I’m perfect, so you need to accept me.” Guess what happens next? They choose students who are brave, humorous and clever enough to depict their flaws in a flattering way!

Here’s a short example for you. Let’s say, you hate cleaning, but you can clean the whole house without saying a word when you are expecting guests or relatives. This shows your appreciation towards people who will come to your house and your ability to perform tasks which are typically less than fascinating to you, if you are given a proper motivation. Turning any disadvantage into an advantage is easier than you think, all you need is a little practice or a good admission essay writing service that is accessible anytime — because you cannot always be inspired, right?

Focus on One Experience

We are sure that your life is full of amazing and funny stories which will suffice for a dozen college application essays, but hectic jumping from one idea to another is not a good strategy if you want to grab an admission officer’s attention. If you try to describe every interesting situation in your life at once, this may lead to a very long admission essay, which is also a strict no-no. Some colleges have a length limit, others don’t, but the perfect volume is about 600 words.

Now, back to your life experiences again. Choose one or two situations that you consider to be the most prominent in your life, or, if you don’t think there was a distinct moment that has influenced all your life, choose situations which suit the college values. This may sound a little bit unfair, but hey, you are trying to be liked! Moreover, you are not lying or trying to appear perfect, but if you have an example of doing difficult research on your own, or being super creative under pressure, why not describe it?

Pay Attention to Details

This rule is true for both your narration and formatting. Check and double-check spelling and grammar on your own, then ask someone to check it for you. This may be irritating, but tiny details matter. Make sure you have the right spaces between lines and the right font. If you are not sure about the formatting rules, it’s better to contact the educational institution you are applying to directly than just searching the Internet. You don’t want to lose precious points because of a stupid mistake, right?

And please, please, whatever you do, don’t send your application essay from an e-mail that reads “cherrybabe_xxx” or something like that. Take it from us, your chances will drop immediately. Get yourself an official sounding e-mail, as you will need it later. Remember that you can always ask for help at an admission essay writing service if you feel like you cannot handle all these nuances.

Stay Positive

Whatever the outcome of your application is, life is a long path of trial and error, so don’t take it too personally. More than that, nowadays you don’t even need to suffer alone: choose a reliable admission essay writing service, ask for write my paper for me help and you will have nice, professional backup. Sometimes even the knowledge that there’s someone to help you can be sufficient to do great.

We hope that these insights and hints derived from experience will help you with your college application essays. Stay with us for more useful information about writing tricks and tips.