Should Everyone Go to College: Essay for High School Students

reasons why people should go to college

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A prestigious college is an indispensable part of the classic American dream. For some unexplained reason, we respect people whose parents are ready to pay a fortune for their education. But times change, and the value of the diploma is constantly falling.

Today, you do not have to be a college graduate to become successful and respected. So why do people keep applying massively to colleges? And what are the alternatives for those who do not want to study for four or more years?

One of the top reasons why people should go to college is to simplify their lives. Today, we can find any information and learn almost any discipline online. But many young people consider this way to be too complicated. However, self-education will take less time than the traditional four years of college. Thousands of applicants who want to study journalism, management, design, IT, and many other disciplines can pay for online courses and even get certifications. Moreover, these certifications are even more convincing for potential employers if an online school has a good reputation.

For other people, going to college is the opportunity to postpone their adult life. Although college students are more independent than high schoolers, the majority of them still depend on their parents. In such a manner, college can be the first step to independence, but it will not prepare young people for all the struggles of the “real” world.

Finally, graduating from top colleges, such as Princeton, Harvard, or Columbia, opens many doors. Studying in a prestigious college is indeed a perfect opportunity for networking and building your reputation. However, getting into top colleges is not available for everyone: the best students from all over the world compete for the honor to become a part of these elite communities.

Obviously, those reasons are not enough to consider a prestigious college a single opportunity for American youth. So why should not everyone go to college, and what alternatives should applicants consider?

If school graduates have difficulties with choosing a career path, then the internship is the best option. In fact, an intern still depends on parents, as he or she receives no money or minimal salary. The work experience that a student gets during the internship is valued even more than a diploma. In addition, an internship will help to understand whether a graduate is interested in this career or not.

In case students have already picked their sphere of interests, they can apply for an entry-level job to try their hand. Not all companies are ready to hire applicants without a college diploma, but some of them are ready to interview even the youngest candidates. A four-year work experience is definitely more appreciated than a diploma. Besides, good employees don’t remain in junior positions for a long time.

One more alternative is to pay for private courses. A great advantage of this type of education is an absence of obligatory disciplines and lectures. Students study exactly what they want and do not waste time. A few months of high-quality courses is equal to a year or two of college. Plus, students may also take advantage of the new connections, as private courses hire good specialists who can become their future employers.

American society keeps changing, and young people have to be adaptable. Although going to college has a few advantages, high school graduates have alternatives that they should consider before applying. Internship, work, or private courses can give graduates as many opportunities as a classical college. Modern youth should not stick to obsolete rules when choosing their path to success.

How WritingCheap Can Help with Essay Writing

In the sample above, one of our talented writers explores the reasons to go to college. This essay is also dedicated to the alternatives that our high school graduates should consider along with applying to a prestigious college. As you can see, the rule “college = success” has become outdated. Today, you can become an intern, build your career as a junior specialist, or take private courses. Each of these paths gives you many great opportunities to develop your professional skills and become a more valuable and well-paid employee.

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